Local e datas

Fira Barcelona Gran Via

20-22 DE JANEIRO DE 2025


ICE Barca 2025

IGBA Barca 2025

Pieter Remmers

Pieter Remmers

Fundador, Assissa
Países Baixos

Pieter is a pioneer and veteran in the field of Responsible Gambling, Consultancy, Advice and Training of gambling industry professionals and other groups. He has been involved since 1988.

He works all over de world and in 2003 he was the initiator of G4 (Global Gambling Guidance Group) dealing with an international Accreditation and Certification system on responsible gambling for the entire gambling, betting and lottery industry, operators as well as suppliers. At present, he Is Chair of the Board. Besides he is the Secretary General of the EASG (European Association for the Study of Gambling) and organizer of the biannual conference.
